Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jan 10-16 Bible Reading Passages

Hello all,

We hope that you received a deeper understanding of how God made the Israelites his own, holy people and Christ's fulfillment of God's plan for making us holy through the book of Leviticus.

After next Sunday, January 17, we will be taking a break from the 3-year plan to focus on the Bible reading passages chosen for the 40 Day Fast. The passages will be found in the 40 Day Fast Journal. 

Here are the passages for this week:
Tues Jan 12 - Psalm 14-15
Wed Jan 13 - Proverbs 8-9
Thur Jan 14 - Proverbs 10
Fri Jan 15 - Numbers 1
Sat Jan 16 - Numbers 2

Sun Jan 10 - Psalm 10-11
Mon Jan 11 - Psalm 12-13
Sun Jan 17 - Numbers 3

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

the new "an eye for an eye"

"An eye for an eye. A tooth for tooth" (Leviticus 24:20).

When I first heard that phrase as a little one, I thought it was an old Korean adage. It was just so common and I would find it on secular TV and books. I didn't even ponder that phrase could be from the Bible, where I learned so much about the infinitely loving Jesus who died on the cross for me. The concept just sounds so...worldly.

When God was dwelling with the Israelites, I guess it made sense that the justice system was something so direct and fair. After all, He was physically with them in the Tent and was showing all the visible signs that demonstrated His love. Were His presence and tangible works enough to move the Israelites to steadfast faithfulness? We all know the answer.

So God showed them the humbler, the higher way of "An eye for an eye" through Jesus. God became flesh. And He showed us how to love the way He does by teaching us to forgive one another and bless those who curse us. He died for our sins, His pure eyes for our sinful eyes, His wounds for our wounds, His life for our life.

By physically demonstrating this new way of "An eye for an eye," I think God wanted us to see the length of His passion for us, and the depth of love He expects from us. Today, spend some time looking at yourself in the mirror. Every inch of you, every part of you is a glorious, most astounding exchange ever made. The eyes of the Creator of the Universe closed for your eyes to open. Can you see Jesus' eyes in your eyes?

Don't let His sacrifice go to waste. If you feel like giving up, then fight back! Immerse yourself in the Word! Pray for strength to live out the Gospel for another day! Praising God puts everything in right perspective, so do it! Don't ever give up on loving God and others. Because God will not give up on loving you literally until the end of time and this world. He has already exchanged every part of Himself for every inch of you.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Jan 3-9 Bible Reading Passages

Hello there! Keep up the good work reading through Leviticus.
Again, if you need help understanding what you are reading:
Here is an on-line commentary by Ray Stedman.

Sun Jan 3 - Leviticus 21
Mon Jan 4 - Leviticus 22
Tues Jan 5 - 
Leviticus 23
Wed Jan 6 - 
Leviticus 24
Thur Jan 7 - 
Leviticus 25
Fri Jan 8 - 
Leviticus 26
Sat Jan 9 - 
Leviticus 27