Friday, October 9, 2015

miracle after miracle (Exodus 10-11)

As frightening as the ten plagues sound, if you think about it, the magnitude of these miracles reflect God's love for His people. God was and still is willing to go to the extremes for reasons that are beyond us. In this case, it was for His glory. That sounds a bit narcissistic. Why would God hurt an entire nation just to prove His own glory? He's the Creator of the universe. He doesn't need anyone to approve Him or believe in Him. He is "I AM WHO I AM."
I think perhaps God was sending the plagues as a form of serving justice to the Egyptians for how they treated the people of Israel. Sometimes, why God allows extreme circumstances to happen is difficult for us to accept or understand without us passing judgment on what the Lord of this universe decided to do (that's quite bold). But one thing is for sure: God is faithful to those He loves. He is willing to raise up unlikeliest leaders and perform many miracles to help us and answer our prayers. Miracle after miracle, our God never stops displaying His fierce and powerful love for His children. Next time we feel dubious about God coming through for us in our plight, remember that He's the one who performed miracle after miracle to save His people from misery. He has His own grandiose escape plan that will make your jaw drop. 

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