Genesis 50 essentially recaps the life of Joseph and also his father, Jacob. It summarizes the high and low points in their lives and it clearly demonstrates how faithful God is throughout their years on earth. Both father and son lived peacefully and in the circle of God's grace and mercy.
Joseph did not dwell on the negative events that happened in his life. He did not bear any grudges against his brothers for selling him into slavery. He did not fault the cupbearer for conveniently forgetting all about the aid he extended to him, aid which restored him back into the graces of his employer, the king. Instead, Joseph focused on his faith in God and His promises. He believed that God had a role for him to play in the overall fate of, not just his family, but the entire country. Joseph believed that the dreams he had as a young boy and the dreams he interpreted for the cupbearer and the baker were confirmation of God's purpose for his life. The fact that whatever pit and dungeon he was thrown into, God somehow found a way for him to be freed from those circumstances and consequently be noticed, appreciated, promoted and recognized. He believed that all the events that happened in his life, all led exactly to where God wanted him to be. Whether he got there in a circuitous route, in a convoluted turn of events, did not matter, at all. God was totally in control of his life.
Therefore, fear not, my friend, the circumstances that you are currently in. Instead, rejoice! Through you and in spite of you, God will bring about something beautiful and totally unexpected. If you feel downtrodden, forgotten, overwhelmed, tested, disappointed and discouraged, do not worry because God is in control. Continue to look to Him for your protection, thank Him for your provision, worship and honor Him with no reservation, for in His perfect timing, He will bring you up and out of your current circumstances. Like Joseph, simply believe. God has not left the cockpit. He is still flying your plane.